According to sources Android Silver, Google’s new Android programme,  is going to be a very big thing indeed and will see Google working with multiple firms on multiple devices, rather than one manufacturer and one device. The aim of the programme is to offer a premium Android experience, with participating firms receiving preferential treatment as regards software updates.
Android Silver


Android Silver will allow Google to ensure that all Android devices have more consistency and quality, so that customers can have the best Android experience possible. For users that will potentially mean that there will be a bigger choice of high-end Android devices at more reasonable prices. These devices will also come free from the annoying bloatware and unwanted apps because manufacturers will have to adhere to Google’s strict specifications, greatly limiting how many non-Google apps can be pre-installed.
Another advantage to the Silver programme will be that it should do away with the long-standing problem of fragmentation that has plagued Android for some time. Rather than varying customer support experiences and software versions, the Silver programme will ensure that customers receive the up to date version of Android and it is rumored that there will be a 24/7 customer support service through Google Hangouts. It is possible that Google will also offer to loan devices to those who have lost or had their devices stolen.
Another motivation for Google is that it is well documented that Samsung plan to eventually drop Android, which could potentially leave Google with a big gap to fill, especially because Google needs users’ data. Silver will allow Google to minimize the damage so to speak, helping firms to better compete with Samsung and who knows, maybe it will make Samsung reconsider its decision.


According to the Twitter account @evleaks, we could be seeing Android Silver by February 2015, the Tweet reads:  “There is no Nexus 6. Farewell, Nexus. Don’t worry, there’s a silver lining to this cloud… Android Silver, circa February 2015.” By doing away with the Nexus brand, Google will be able to improve the overall Android standard and help it gain more control over its unique operating system.
So far LG and Motorola are apparently going to be taking part in the Silver programme but hopefully we will find out more at Google’s annual developers conference, Google I/O, which will be held next month.


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